Can't really post today...
I'm busy working on creating a commercial for my Etsy store:
Dr. "The Hammer" Lola
P.S. "Kick back with hamsters and dawgs, parakeets, rabbits and scor-pee-ons" is my new theme song. For real. I'm having minature speakers installed in all of my clothing, so that this will play everytime I walk into a room. Or out of a room. Or do anything.
oh my goodness....
I just found your page....and am enamored already.
THANK YOU for the video, I had never heard of Viral Video and am now rolling on the floor with laughter.
Oh man, you took the good theme song! I guess I'm stuck with, "Cars. On my lot. Some of them new. Some of them not..."
LOL! oh man i love current tv!!
i will never make pizza without singing that theme song. no doubt.
All the world loves a True Freak.
I hate this post.
Because I can't think of anything funny to say.
And when that happens, I have bad thoughts.
And I can't rap when I'm mad.
I'm gonna go take a nap.
even my word verification is "efing"...see how mad I am?
Please, please, please... you need to start making videos. It might actually get you on Oprah... for reals.
Oh yeah, you'll sell a lot of jewelry with that commercial. :p
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