About Me

This is where I'm supposed to tell you stuff about myself.

So, about me:

I have a serious addiction to ellipses and run-on sentences. I tried to write properly and professionally and like a grown-up and stuff but it didn't really sound like me so the poor sentence structure won.

I'm married to James. We got married underneath the Harry Caray statue at Wrigley Field, ate some cake and went to a game. It was fabulous.

We don't have kids. We're probably not ever going to have kids (except for the imaginary baby and that's not even his). We're pet people. We have a lot of pets. Most of them were rescued and not nearly as grateful as they should be. None of them has ever scratched my butt for me. Not even once.

I like reality t.v. I used to be "above it" and "better than that" and whatever else you say when you don't realize how awesome reality t.v. is. Except for Survivor and Wife Swap and The Bachelor. I'm still totally above those shows.

I have a "mini-degree" in biology. It's actually an associates degree, but I like "mini-degree" better. I was 2 weeks into my bachelors degree when the whole world went broke...I decided to take a hiatus from school to make sure that we didn't go broke, too.

While I'm on break from school, I run a little jewelry and accessories company online over at Hey Lola. I also paint pictures and collect vintage clothing, and sometimes I sell those things, too.

Sometimes I like the hiatus better than school and I think I should never go back. Other times I think I should really have a physics degree and I wonder why on earth I haven't gone back. Formulas and equations make me extremely happy.

I'm also an event coordinator. Not on my own, but for a company called The Packard, which means I work a lot. I go to weddings just about every weekend which is awesome. I answer e-mails and phone calls and push papers around just about every day which is not very awesome. Sometimes I get to use my glue gun, so overall I'm pretty happy with that job.

James and I own this little bar/tavern/bistro type place, too. It's called Blue and it has sparkly walls and broken chandeliers and a mosaic bar top and the coolest people in the world hang out there. It's pretty fantastic and I work there about 3 nights a week.

I keep a complete separate blog about pretty things and some personal things over at Love and Lime.

In between all of that is when I do the jewelry/painting/vintage clothing thing.

I don't work on Sundays.

I drink a LOT of coffee. I'm really hyper, a little bit frantic, and the most disorganized organized person I know. I also like working the way some people like taking vacations. Sitting still is difficult and I get bored pretty easily.

I say that I have no idea what's going on, but somehow I manage to get a whole lot done.

The very most imprtantest fact of all of the facts about me is this: Despite what James says, or what anyone says else for that matter...I'm immortal.

(Edited on 12/27/11 and still immortal!  Take THAT, stupid husband face!)


Insanitykim March 12, 2009 at 9:21 AM  

This is where I leave my comment.

Unknown March 12, 2009 at 1:40 PM  


I am always exploding with excitement when I see that you've updated and this is what I get?!? Bollocks! Try harder!

Laura March 12, 2009 at 2:41 PM  

This is where I take a Advil.

w March 12, 2009 at 4:57 PM  

i'm all skeered and confuzzled. please don't neglect this blog. crafty is the devil's word.

Jennifer March 12, 2009 at 6:18 PM  

I am in looooove with the new design of your blog! Woo hoo!

Light and Writing March 12, 2009 at 6:30 PM  

You are awesome! very busy! and a little crazy! I loved reading this! I am also a run-on sentence girl! You have to give the people you and that just can not happen in proper grammar. I think you are the coolest Luigi!

Insanitykim March 12, 2009 at 7:47 PM  

"This is where I leave my comment"

I didn't write that.

My friend wrote that. She broke into my computer and into this comment box. This is actually what I was supposed to write:

I lack original thought.

Denae March 12, 2009 at 11:34 PM  

Hey Lola - so fun learning more about you. Thanks for the posts. Cool about the tavern!

Melissa March 13, 2009 at 12:55 AM  

Finally...delving in deeper to your immortal highlander self!! Good on ya! The job sounds interesting... hmm... yes...

carrie March 13, 2009 at 9:34 AM  

july 12!! That's when I got married. It's a good date. We've been married 13 years this year. It's because of that date.

Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy March 13, 2009 at 1:20 PM  

Love the new blog design! And thanks for giving us a glimpse into your crazy little world!

Anonymous,  March 13, 2009 at 2:44 PM  

I wasn't sure I was on the right blog. I mean, it looked so normal, I wasn't sure it was you anymore.

Is this part of your revised plan to dominate the Internet? I redesigned my blog, so you redesigned yours? Hmm... I'm not going to let you have the Internet. Well, maybe you over Google, but, no, I'm not letting either one of you have it!

Nice new look, though.

Pogue March 13, 2009 at 3:59 PM  

I still read this blog, even though I totally know the story already. Diggin' the new set up. You mad bankin' yet, or what? It would be better for me if you were a full time blogger. Work on that, and remember, the customer is always right. I will buy something from you soon, so that I will always be right.

Heidi March 14, 2009 at 9:50 PM  

you forgot awesome...you are kind of awesome, i'm enjoying your blog!

Highland on!

Anonymous,  March 15, 2009 at 11:51 PM  

your painted jeans you show on OD once were very good, you should make some more.

Erica Kelly March 19, 2009 at 5:56 PM  

i like you.

p.s. have you called the blog makeover rape hotline? they deal with those sorts of people...

Anonymous,  March 19, 2009 at 9:27 PM  

That was a very exciting and adventurous entry. Enjoyed it quite a bit.

Anonymous,  March 22, 2009 at 6:05 PM  

What a great post!

oobbles May 5, 2009 at 7:13 AM  

Go here.

lolz, seemed an appropriate comment for your 'about me' post.

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Everything in this blog is copyright Jessica Benassi AKA Hey Lola except where I give credit to other people because obviously, that's their stuff. Don't steal my stuff. I mean, I'm not sure why you would want to, anyway, but if you're thinking about it...don't. Also, all of this nonsense is my opininion and is not supported or endorsed by Blogger or anyone ese. I mean, maybe it is, but if something I say just infuriates you, I take sole responsibility.

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